I need an Induction, Now What?

You’ve gone through all the Evidence Based Birth podcasts and articles, and you’ve read all the Aviva Romm you can handle. You know the right move for you is to start medically induced labor. People telling you their trauma-filled story of induction or how awful Pitocin is, isn’t helpful. The big question now is how…

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How to Know its Time to Go!

The big question, “When should I go to the Hospital?” Even before COVID-19 this was an important thing to know. The moment a birth person chooses to go to the hospital has the potential to drastically change a birth experience. Now, with COVID-19 taking another hit on hospitals, it’s importance is amplified even more and…

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Doulas are for Partners Too!

While birth doulas are becoming a much more recognized part of a birth team there is often a misunderstanding of their role during a birth. Some partners even fear a doula will take their place during the birthing experience. We want to throw that idea to disintegrate into the wind. Roses are Red, Violets are…

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COVID-19 Support and Resources

Updated 10/29/21- Most Hospital in Mass have lifted restrictions for support people. I have only heard of one hospital with restrictions and it is unclear if that restriction is still in place. We are optimistic most hospitals will be allowing 2 support people in L&D for the foreseen future. Myself and Colleen are vaccinated and…

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You Doula What?

There are so many blog posts out there about what doulas do and yet it is still somewhat a mystery. When someone asks me what I do, and I know other doulas will be nodding their head in agreement, I want to cringe. The conversation usually goes something like this, Me: “I am a birth…

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You Do You and I Will Doula Close Behind

A quick blog post to follow up on my recent birth story. After writing my story I began to think about the births I have attended and how unique and powerful each woman was in their own way. This could be a Facebook post, but then it wouldn’t be permanently available, and this needs to…

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